Caleb Stanford Blog

"I'm moving to Canada"


“If Donald Trump wins this election, I’m moving to Canada.”

According to a recent poll, Democrats are three times as likely to say they would leave the country if their candidate loses.

Sanity check: Google searches for moving to canada do seem to have strong political correlation – the huge spikes occur at Bush’s reelection in 2004, and at Super Tuesday in the 2016 primaries. But the consensus from articles on the subject is that that actual moves to Canada do not really go up.

Day 2: Facebook comments


I set up this blog to work with Facebook comments, using the advice here. The major option for adding comments to a GitHub site seems to be to use Disqus, but for some reason I have reservations about that. I think possibly because I have never bothered to comment on anything which uses Disqus, and I get the feeling it’s not just me. On the other hand, their interface seems generally well-designed (for example, it makes it easy to login with social media) so idk if I have any objective complaints. Some informal polling results suggest Disqus may be slightly more popular than Facebook, but neither is as popular as having a native, more traditional looking comment form.

So maybe neither Facebook nor Disqus is the answer. I did find some other options: 1, 2.

The upshot is that while Facebook comments are set up and hopefully work (test them out below!), that could be a mistake on my part and may change soon. I’m not really expecting too many comments in the meantime.

First post


Today, October 16, 2016, marks the day I finally get a simple website and blog up and running. :) The links in the sidebar should also be working. “About” being the most important of these.

I set up this site using GitHub Pages and Jekyll. Of course, I got help from some people. I used this GitHub repository as a template, and haven’t modified the style and layout much (yet).

Here’s my list of things to do next, in no particular order:

  1. Set up a working comment system.

  2. Get MathJax working with the site.

  3. Get tags to work.

  4. Mess with the CSS to make things a bit more pretty.

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